ladybug cards |
Fairy cards |
Greenman Oracle |
Madam Endora |
Bohemian Cats |
Three card spread (starting at left) Past, Present,Future |
Gypsy Witch (great for beginers) place the "preson" card in the middle then do two rows of 3 cards then on the person row two cards on either side then another two row of the 3 cards |
Now start with the card to the left your will be reading in a circle counter clock wise |
After you read card 1 then you will move onto the card above that, continue reading in the clockwise manor til all cards have been read |
Example of the seekers fan |
Example 2 of Seekers Fan from Madame Endora |
Celtic Cross spread start with on card in the middle then card 2 will over that making a cross car 3 will be above ,card 4 to the left of the cross card 5 under,card 6 to the right , then cards 7,8,9 will be to the right of the spread and one after the other as shown How to contact me Ravelry Knitting - cast on super short simple sock in rainbow regia , I've made progress on Gaenor Crochet- I've done it !,well kinda :) Spinning- finished one bobbin of Sherwood forest Picnicknits 25 days of Christmas Pattern Sale |